Author: Kiril Nikolaev, CFA

About: Kiril Nikolaev

Kiril Nikolaev is the founder and main writer of   Mr. Nikolaev's educational background is in finance and he's a CFA Charterholder. He has worked as a financial analyst for BMO Financial Group, which is one of the largest banks in Canada. He's also worked at Mitre Media where he was responsible for content strategy and product management for a few of their properties, including,,, and a few others. Some other financial writing work can be found on, and many other websites. His passion is in investment finance and he loves to spread awareness of finance and analysis, so that anyone can become an investor. Hire Kiril on Upwork, or find him on LinkedIn.

    3 Reasons Why You Should Care About the Stock Market

    It is normal to have initial reservations about stuff we are not familiar with. It’s very easy to stay in your comfort zone, especially if it works just fine and you’re satisfied with your current way of living and you don’t explore your options that much. Yes, braving into the unfamiliar can be quite daunting, […]

    | April 13th, 2016 | Kindergarten

    How the Stock Market Works

    At first glance, the concept of the “stock market” may seem a little intimidating to those who have no background in business or finance. But never fret, we’re here to show you what you need to know to get you started on the broad and fun world that is the stock market. To begin, let […]

    | April 12th, 2016 | Kindergarten

    Stocks – The What, Who, When, Where, Why and How

    We’re pretty sure you’ve heard the terms “stock” and “share” before. Well, aside from being a cooking ingredient or a virtue, that is. These two terms are used interchangeably and it’s important to keep this in mind to avoid confusion. As an investor, these terms are probably some of the first things you’ll hear as […]

    | April 8th, 2016 | Kindergarten

    Ability vs. Willingness to Take Risks in Investing

    Some investors are willing to take risks, but might not have the ability to do so. While other investors may have a high ability to take risks, but due to their risk aversion preference, are not willing to take high risks. An investor’s overall risk tolerance is determined by looking at both, the ability and […]

    | April 7th, 2016 | Preschool

    Understanding Your Risk Tolerance

    Way too often, we always hear lovers say “I will risk everything for you. I will do anything for you.” in mushy love stories. But what does that mean, really? What does the person mean when he says “risk”? And does the person really mean “everything”? So many questions are running through our heads right […]

    | April 6th, 2016 | Preschool

    Getting to Know Investment Return

    In the investing world, Warren Buffet is almost like a superhero. In 2015, he had a net worth of $66.7 billion – almost 4 times Verizon’s net income for that same year! He is also considered one of the most successful investors in the world. One of the earliest pieces of advice he gave to […]

    | April 5th, 2016 | Preschool

    Getting to Know Investment Risk

    There is a 99.9% chance that you are on Facebook. This particular social network is quite necessary these days. We’re also pretty sure you know the owner and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. The man has some wise words for all of us: “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s […]

    | March 22nd, 2016 | Preschool

    Exploring Your Investment Options

    A true Harry Potter fan must have shed a tear or two when Albus Dumbledore told Harry Potter “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Truly a word of the wise. Thank you, Albus! It’s the choices that we’ve made that eventually led us to where […]

    | March 21st, 2016 | Preschool

    Top 6 Things You Need to Do Before Investing

    Ever wondered how things get done? Like how that new home product got launched in Wal-Mart or how that new building a couple of blocks from you got built? Most things get done through projects and the process by which projects are executed is referred to as project management. Planning is a very critical part […]

    | March 20th, 2016 | Preschool

    Investing – What’s in It for You

    Can you imagine not having to work for the rest of your life? Can you imagine having your money work for you while you just chill at the beach and have the time of your life? Can you imagine not having to imagine these things and finally making your financial dreams a reality? This Is […]

    | March 6th, 2016 | Preschool

    What Is Investing?

    Investing is the process of putting your saved capital and money to generate additional appreciation and income in the future. Another way of saying it is putting your money to work to get more money later. You can think about investing as money that generates more money without too much of your effort. When investing, you […]

    | February 15th, 2016 | Preschool